Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Do You Think About Dog Breeders?

Many years ago - maybe it was just twenty - the expression "Dog Breeder" had a lofty ring to it. Maybe I was destined to be a dog breeder. Maybe I was "gone to the dogs" before I ever really knew what hit me - just like you..

But the people I looked up to as a kid were serious dog people. They bred dogs for show or for field work. They loved their dogs. Every waking hour was devoted to their dogs. Not much has changed...

Except the public's perception.

There have been puppy mills as long as there have been purebred dogs. They are a blight on our dog loving society but the average dog buyer doesn't seem to care where they get their dog so long as they get one.

How can we embrace the public, teach them about puppy mills and yet make them understand that like all people, dog breeders aren't all bad?

Why not use this post to sound off about puppy buyers, the media and the general public?

How can we keep our world filled with gorgeous, beloved purebred dogs without breeders? How can we keep the world filled with dogs at all if not for those who endeavor to create them?

What can we do to make the average pet owner understand that purebred dogs and the people who love them are at the very core of the solution to unwanted pets - rather than the problem?

If we are to save our sport of purebred dogs, we had better start coming up with a message the media loves. What can we do? How can we position our message?

Let me know your thoughts.